All You Need to Know about Gynecomastia Surgery

Having an enlarged breast is a matter of concern for men affected by gynecomastia. This is a common condition in men and boys wherein their breast tissues swell and become abnormally large. To a layman, it may appear as extra fat on breast due to being overweight, but in reality it is the result of disturbed hormones, the imbalances caused in estrogen and testosterone levels. Gynecomastia can affect one breast or both and sometimes unevenly. It may occur at different stages, affecting newborns, boys during puberty and older men. While most of the cases resolve with time, some may persist or recur with the age. Gynecomastia, undoubtedly, can be embarrassing for men, however, the good thing is, it is not a serious medical issue and can be resolved with the right medical help. Cosmetic Surgery Center is a leading surgical hospital in Pune that is known for its best services and top-grade facilities. The surgery is done by highly qualified and experienced surgeons who ...