
Showing posts from February, 2020

Fixing and Preventing Bottoming Out of Breast Implants !

Despite the success of most breast implants, the one issue that women often fear about the procedure is the effect of bottoming out . This occurs when implants result in lopsided or misaligned breast or impact the position and appearance of the nipples.  So, what exactly can be classified as bottoming out? Best plastic surgeons and top   breast surgeon in Pune have put forward some of the primary conditions that confirm your breast implant has bottomed out. Let’s have a look at these conditions: ·  An imbalance in your post-op breast shape (lower pole seems longer) ·  Differences between upper and lower poles may be more noticeable than usual “teardrop shapes” or rounded breast shapes after surgery ·  Nipples may point upwards rather than remaining in a central, forward or front-facing location. Specializing in plastic surgeries, Cosmetic Laser Surgery Center  is the clinic that has helped many patients overcome their breast implant co...

Nasal Defects that Rhinoplasty can take care of!

Whether it’s for aesthetic reasons or medical issues, rhinoplasty is the sought-after treatment for fixing nose-related problems. When done by experienced and qualified hands, it has the potential to correct your nasal defect and can enhance your facial balance and feature harmony. Cosmetic Laser Surgery Center is one of the trusted surgery centers that specialize in rhinoplasty. With the support of the highly qualified team that includes the best plastic surgeon in Pune , we are able to offer surgical solutions for reshaping, resizing and repositioning of the nose. However, for most effective results we believe it’s imperative to understand which aspect of your nose you want to get rectified. It is only then will you be able to express your concerns to the surgeon in advance of the procedure and have realistic expectations for the same. Common Reasons for Rhinoplasty The objective for nose reshaping/resizing differs from patient to patient and so the rhinoplasty procedure a...