Here's Everything You Need To Know About Hair Transplant

Hair transplant, which was once looked upon as a ‘celebrity thing’ only for the rich and the famous, has now become a household name. All thanks to the advancement in technology and the growing self realization by the people to look good, hair transplant is now well within the reach of the common man. An unhealthy diet and a stressful routine often resurfaces itself in the form of baldness, bald patches and thin hair. Fortunately, your head can still get back its glory. If you are looking for hair transplant, this article will help you understand the basics of hair transplant. What is hair transplant? The term ‘transplant’ basically means to pluck from one place and plant the same to another, just like you were to uproot a tree and plant it safely in some other place. In case of hair transplant, It is a cosmetic procedure which involves removing of hair follicles from the back or side of your head and grafting them on the hairless portion. The part from where the ha...