Concerns and Suggestions Related to Post-Breast Augmentation Surgery

Female anatomies differ and this makes some women uncomfortable with their body shape when it fails to fit the criteria of what is considered as ‘normal or good looking’.
Breast augmentation, also known as augmentation mammoplasty is one of the common cosmetic surgeries opted by women to increase their breast size. It involves placing breast implants under breast tissue or chest muscles. While some women may opt for breast augmentation to improve their body shape and gain confidence, for several others it’s just a part of rebuilding the breast for several other conditions.
Irrespective of the reasons, if you are planning to opt for breast augmentation, the first step should be to find the right clinic. Cosmetic Laser Surgery Center is one of the reputed clinical centers known for its excellent cosmetic surgeries with services of the best breast surgeon in Pune.  Before you go for the surgery it is highly recommended to get vital insights about the surgery from the respective doctors. Consult the doctors to understand what surgery involves, including possible risks, complications and follow-up care. This will help you have realistic expectations and smoother recovery.
Here we have notted down some of the concerns that majority of women face post breast augmentation surgery:

1) Everyone will come to know about breast augmentation: Women who do not want to share about their surgery with others can definitely enjoy the change without making it noticeable to others. Breast augmentation is customizable and can be adjusted to fit your requirements. Discreet results can be obtained by opting for the best possibility suggested by the surgeon based on your specific needs. So, nobody will know until you tell them.
2) Difficulty in exercising with larger breast: Women with larger breasts often complain of discomfort while exercising. This is owing to the imbalance proportion of the breast to the body.  Surgeons including plastic surgeon in Pune believe that breast augmentation should not be a matter of concern because it naturally adds volume to the smaller breast that is in proportion to the body. The nominal extra weight does not impact your physical activities.
3) Dressing different styles may be difficult post-breast augmentation: You will need to take precautions in the first few weeks post surgery but then you can opt for any style that you wish to flaunt. You will witness a learning curve and your breast might take some time to get into your normal styling. You can use this opportunity to explore different options that complements your new body shape. Try high necklines and tank tops under the lower cut blouses to avoid unnecessary showing of cleavage when not required.
Besides these, there some valuable tips which when followed can make your recovery processes easier. Here are certain things that you must take care of in weeks following the surgery to enjoy the best results.
· Initially you will experience a considerable amount of soreness and swelling. You don’t have to bother about it as it’s a part of natural recovery process that will dissipate over time. To help reduce this pain and speed up healing, surgeons specializing in breast & cosmetic surgery in Pune and elsewhere strongly recommend investing in recovery bras. Specially designed to offer post-op comfort, they help in implant stability, improved circulation and mild compression for proper lymph drainage.
· After the surgery, you will be required to wear a bra at all times hence, it is important to select your bra with features that offer you maximum comfort. Breathable fabric, adjustable straps and a pressure-free fit are some of the useful features that you can look out for.  There also some designs available with bands that help you comfortably adjust any post-op swelling that occurs.
· The first week after surgery will be the most difficult, so it’s better to have all your chores including arranging your wardrobe, preparing meal, buying important groceries etc done beforehand so that you can take rest.
· Ask someone a friend or relative for assistance after the surgery. This is especially more important if you have kids or toddlers to take care of.  
· Finally, make sure you consume healthy foods and keep yourself hydrated with drinks to help expedite healing process. Remember that you will be sore and tired, so don’t forget to keep a stock of light, easy foods on hand that will help stimulate your appetite. And lastly take lot of rest and just relax.
When armed with correct information about the surgery, you gain the confidence to go for the operation with a positive mind set and are also better prepared for managing your recovery and the new enhanced look.
Having said all, it is always important to get your doubts cleared. So, don’t hesitate asking questions and voicing concerns with your board-certified plastic surgeon.
To know more about breast augmentation contact Cosmetic Laser Surgery Center and avail services of best plastic surgeon in Pune. We can help you have a better overall experience with positive results.


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